//simulations by Olek on Odyssey blackhole const string dir="/afs/slac.stanford.edu/u/ki/shcher/analysis/", adir="/lustre/ki/pfs/jmckinne/", fieldstr="/dumps/", xstr="/";//Orange cluster at Stanford //const string dir="E:\\GRMHD\\", adir="E:\\GRMHD\\", fieldstr="\\fieldlines\\", xstr="\\"; //Windows workstation at UMD //dir - points to emissivities & other auxilliary files //adir - points to fluid simulation dump files const int nthreads=8; //Orange const int dtimdf=10; //time difference between fieldlineXXXX files within consecutive numbers XXXX and XXXX+1 const int ncuttab[3] = {100, 116, 128}, //the last radial grid point, where the simulation is considered converged rlen=264, thlen=126, phlen=60, //grid dimensions of fluid dynamics simulations in polar coordinates usgsize=69, //record size in usgdump2d file usgoff=156; //offset in usgdump2d file const doub atab[3]={0., 0.7, 0.9}; //BH spin values const string astr[3]={"Oleka0","Oleka07","Oleka09"};//subdirectories for each spin //MVS thinks getenv is unsafe, but hard to make it platform-independent otherwise //environment variable PBS_ARRAYID (QSUB scheduler) or LSB_JOBINDEX (BSUB scheduler) is the job ID, when submitted as a job array //when debugging/running on workstation, one has to explicitly create this environment variable char * descr = getenv("LSB_JOBINDEX");